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Outdoor Preschool in Colorado

Licensing Pathways Currently Developing in CO

License Timeline

Are you interested in learning more about the current License Timeline.

License Background in CO

Are you interested in learning about the journey towards creating an Outdoor Nature-based licensing in CO? 


What do you think this Collective could create? Do you see the advocacy steps that you think should be taken?

Possible Part Day

The CDEC is drafting a rules package for a half-day licensed option, which will require 1:5 ratios, and an emergency shelter building (not a licensed facility). the Working Group will review and engage in revisions with the proposed rule set once it is released.

Possible Pilot 2.0

This CO Collective has a sub-committee of folks from across the state who are working on introducing legislation at the state. If this bill can be drafted, co-sponsored, and amended with a fiscal note this legislative session - then it would enable this work to be funded and developed further, The potential for a more robust & inclusive pilot is made possible by funding positions for state agencies to support his work.

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